Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Political Conversations-NonPartisan


  Today, I had the opportunity of speaking with my Mentor and Friend Larry D. Kump. During our conversations, we discuss numerous intellectual topics. I will say, I learn a lot during these conversations with Mr. Kump. Below is my understanding. Thank you Larry D. Kump.

Within my 2012 present campaign, I represent myself as an Independent Republican.

As an Independent Republican, I cannot place stability or foundation based understanding in either the Democrats or Republicans. Representing myself as either a Democrat or Republican to the people of West Virginia is just a plain lie. As I have dictated in the past, I agree and disagree with both sides. Stipulating this fact, how can I chose? Understand, I have the greatest respect for both parties and the individuals that represent themselves to their respective parties. Within my district, there is another individual who is running against me as a Republican. We are friends and I find him extremely intellectual and I hold the highest respect for him and his intellect.
However, he and I do not agree on numerous topics. Obviously, he has the obligation to stand for his beliefs and so do I.

For this reason, I cannot run as either party. The State of West Virginia requires me to pick a party. I chose the closest determining political party that comes the closest to understanding me and my theories. I still agree and disagree with both sides. So, I chose to run my campaign as an Independent Republican which inturn, gives the highest respect to the voters in my district. Republican for the State as they mandate.

Upon winning the election as Delegate in November 2012 (Positive Thinking), I am determined to bring my non-partisan voting practices to the house floor. Voting non-partisan is the correct way to bring the voices of my people to the house floor. It's quite obvious, District #67 has both Democrats and Republicans residing. Being strict Republican or Democrat ignores the prospects of those in my District of the opposite party. When I take my Oath of Office, I will promise to perform my job I will be elected to do to the best of my ability. Of course, I will take my Oath of Office seriously, however, besides the fact of honoring my word, it's good practice to faithfully execute my position as Delegate by honoring both parties within my district and West Virginia.

W. Matthew Harris
Candidate for West Virginia House of Delegates 2012

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